Conestack Sphinx Theme#

A Bootstrap 5 based, mobile friendly Sphinx theme.

This documentation contains a guide about the theme usage and how to contribute to this project.

All other pages are showcases on how this theme renders things among reStructuredText examples on how to produce these results.


This sphinx theme is created with responsive design in mind.


Try resizing this page to see the effect!

The conestack sphinx template works on the following breakpoints:

  • mobile: max-width: 768px

  • tablet: min-width: 769px and max-width: 991px

  • desktop: min-width: 992px

Mobile View#

If the window width is lesser or equal than 768px, no sidebars will be visible.

The global table of contents and searchbar are accessible from a dropdown menu in the header.

Tablet View#

If the window width is greater than 769px and smaller than 991px, the global table of contents is visible and the local table of contents is hidden.

The search box appears in the header element.

Desktop View#

If the window width is greater than 992px, both global TOC and local TOC are visible as left and right sidebar, respectively.

The search box appears in the header element.


  • Lena Daxenbichler

  • Robert Niederreiter


Parts of the showcase contents are taken from

Sample images on this page are taken from Pixabay.

Images are linked to the creator’s page.

Indices and tables#